Monday, December 23, 2002

It's day 3 since we got Sam and he's already had a piece of Tiger. It was my fault, really, I was trying to make them 'stay' while feeding them their breakfast and they got a bit too close. Suddenly they were onto each other and after a few seconds of us shouting, it was over and Tiger had a bite mark on his left cheek. Took him to the vet and got him stitched up for $239!! I was lucky I'm with Australian Unity, and they're paying for it. Phew. I hope Tiger and Sam are not psychologically affected by this melee. Actually Sam looked remorseful when he had realised what he'd done. Both dogs forgot about their food, until I reminded them to eat. Anyway I've learned my lesson and I know now what not to do. Or suffer the consequences.

Merry Christmas!