Friday, October 25, 2002

It's coming up to a week since Polly moved in, and now I can say that the house is in pretty good shape to live in. My folks will be proud of us. Yes, even mum! With Polly living with me, I've found that we can cook, eat and clean much more quickly with the extra pair of hands. That leaves a bit more time after dinner to do things like walking the dog, watching TV, talking on the phone and getting to be early! Polly leaves for work at 8am so we've been getting up earlier as well. The only problem is trying to get Tiger to go to bed earlier. The last few nights have been hell because here we are trying to get to bed and he's jumping around pulling at Polly's hair and the sheets, etc. Last night was OK because I took him for an hour-long walk which I guess tired him out.

Patrick moves in next month, and we're looking forward to an extra pair of hands to help around the house.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

My boss told me yesterday that we didn't need to respond to the Germans, but I responded with:
"I am sorry you feel that way. In future I will try my best to minimise the number of questions asked." (*trying to sound sarcastic, but it doesn't really show in email* he was complaining that I was asking too many tech. questions)
And he wrote back:
"my intention was not to blame anybody. You are trying to do your best, we are are trying to do our best. I personally prefer people who are asking before things are going wrong ."

What a fucking idiot.

Monday, October 21, 2002

I received an email from my German counterpart this morning which pissed me right off (he got a bit personal). I had a good mind to lash back but considering the fact that I'm a contractor, and also the fact that he copied it to my boss, I'm going to wait and see what he (my boss) tells me to do. I know I've got him on my side and he'll probably write the response himself. It's stuff like this that throws my motivation to work out the window. Now, I couldn't be fucked to do anything. But I will have to be 'professional' about it and go about my duties. Pah. This is the thing about my line of work that I absolutely abhor.

On a brighter note, I brought chicken rice in for lunch today - Polly's mom made a chicken rice feast last night and had lots of leftovers. Polly's starting golf lessons tomorrow! I hope she gets addicted so we can both go and play together. I'm sick and tired of having to round up people to play.