Thursday, December 19, 2002

Have had the gate replaced, most of the weeds de-rooted at the back of the garden, and only the doggy door is outstanding in my list of to-do items before Sam arrives. I'm picking him up from North Balwyn after my round of golf on Saturday morning. It's going to be a scorcher that day - 40degrees forecast. Might go to the beach with the doggies again. That'll tire them out... Found out last weekend that Sam is not a pure beagle - he's a beagle x cocker spaniel hence the funny hair around the ears the the brown dots around the muzzle. I guess that makes him a bit more immune to hereditary diseases. Polly says spaniels are dumb. Let's see. He seems more friendly than Tiger and much more sociable.

I've been getting a lot of negative feedback from Polly's mum and some 'friends' about getting Sam. They think I've got my priorities all mixed up. The Asian mentality... sigh. A dog to them is, well, just another animal or pet. "Don't have another one - you'll have to spend double the amount, pay double the attention, scoop up twice the amount of shit, etc. etc." They just cannot appreciate the good that comes with it - companionship. The dog does not discriminate, and the attention it gives you is pure and unadulterated. It is impossible to give the same kind of companionship in return. The best I can do is to give back as much as I can, and also give them another 4-legged companion. Tiger is by himself all day, and it was only fair to him that I find him a companion. I really really do not see why it is a big deal and why everyone thinks I've got my priorities wrong and being irresponsible for getting another dog. Can anyone explain to me? I sure as hell can't figure it out.